Monday, 9 December 2024

Council of Islamic Ideology chief says using VPN is not unlawful or un-Islamic


Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) chairman, Dr. Raghib Naeemi on Monday said VPN use is not inherently unlawful or un-Islamic, but its misuse for accessing illegal or unethical content is considered inappropriate.

In an exclusive interview with ARY News, CII Chairman Dr. Raghib Naeemi shared his perspectives on VPN usage, legal reforms, and social issues.

If Virtual Private Network (VPN) usage leads to blasphemy, religious defamation, or spreading unrest, it becomes un-Islamic and illegal, Raghib Naeem said.

He said Article 19 allows freedom of expression within limits ensuring respect for religion, national integrity, and social harmony.

Responding to a question regarding the seminary registration issue, the CII chief said evidence of money laundering through madrassas will lead to legal action against their management.

He also said human baby milk trade is unethical and impermissible.

Read more: Council of Islamic Ideology issues another statement on VPN use

Dr. Raghib Naeemi proposed shifting the approval for a second marriage from the wife to the Union Council and also recommended legislation limiting dowries to one tola (11.66 grams) of gold.

Earlier, in a clarification, the Council of Islamic Ideology emphasized the importance of using technology in line with Islamic principles and promoting responsible digital citizenship.

According to the Council of Islamic Ideology, VPNs are not inherently unlawful, but their usage should be positive and responsible.

“Social media is a powerful tool for expressing thoughts and ideas that can be used for noble purposes. Muslims must follow Islamic teachings, using social media for promoting Islamic knowledge, education, and training,” the statement read.


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