Sunday, 10 November 2024

Persistent air pollution aggravates health issues in Lahore

Persistent air pollution, health issues, Lahore

LAHORE: Scores of diseases being spread in Lahore owing to persistent air pollution in city amid the government’s desperate efforts to curb smog.

Increasing number of the patients of dry cough and breathing problems being reported in the city’s hospitals.

Meanwhile, increasing cases of pneumonia, chest infection and cough being reported among children, sources said. Irritation in eyes as well as soring and dry eyes and cases of skin diseases have increased in the city amid the spell of persistent air pollution and smog.

High levels of pollutants in the air have also affected the patients of heart diseases and asthma, hospital sources said.

According to a report over 35,000 patients affected by smog have been reported in a week in five major government hospitals of Lahore.

Hospital sources said that over 9,000 patients have been reported at Mayo Hospital in last one week. In city’s Jinnah Hospital 7,000 and Gangaram Hospital over 6,000 patients reported, according to sources.

Meanwhile, in Services Hospital and General Hospital each 5,000 patients reported, hospital sources added.


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